CWA is hosting a Rally and Labor Walk to Support Harris for President and Casey for Senate on Saturday September 14th at Malcolm X Park in Philadelphia.
Click here to register.
This week, your CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with American Airlines for a new contract. Full details to follow in the coming days. We could not have reached this agreement without the support of our local union leaders, mobilization team members, and every member who supported the organizing and mobilization efforts over the past several months. Your participation in mobilization activities made a huge difference at the bargaining table and demonstrated the power of our unity. Stay tuned for more details. In solidarity, The CWA-IBT bargaining committee CWA-IBT 501 Third Street NW Washington, DC 20001
Attendance guidelines for passenger service
team members represented by CWA-IBT
Association has been updated as of 10-1-23.
Check them out under the Forms and Files tab on the menu
To change your address with the local, please go to the Contact page and fill out change of address form. This only changes your address with the union. Please be sure to update your address with the company through Jetnet or MyPiedmont.
Founded in 19XX, CWA Local 13301 has a long history of fighting for workers' rights in various industries. From organizing strikes to lobbying for legislation, we have always been dedicated to protecting the interests of our members.
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